Threat Shark A/V: 1 and 1 #4

22 Sep

This week it seems to be a comparison of trying to hard and just being naturally clever. Some people just have it. Others choose pop stardom, since critical success isn’t in their bag of future achievements.

Ok, there was going to be a Cat Empire video eventually. This is actually the first song of their’s I heard, since it was a music video. Much More Music used to do a clip show called Clip Trips or something like that which featured songs from outside Canada and the US. Unfortunately it appears to have disappeared. On the upside, this piece of wit in the form of a Psychoanalytical Basketball Association game is still around. Of particular note, the total lack of respect for normal basketball rules and physics, and the great mouthing. Yes, we now they aren’t singing, but they do a damn fine job of keeping it on time.

A great source for strange music videos is metal. This one isn’t awful, it’s just…not what you’d ever expect. That’s the Swedish Women’s Curling Team from a few years ago. The song itself isn’t actually horrible, although this isn’t a great version.  A little overly dramatic, but that’s tempered by the guitar solo on the button. This video does seem to continue the stereotype of Swedish blonds though.


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